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Mar 27, 20243 min read
What Is Speciesist Language And How Can We Change It
Have you ever noticed just how cruel to animals our language is? Here's what you can do about it as a vegan.

Mar 12, 20243 min read
What Is The Plant-Based Treaty And Why Does It Matter?
Find out about the Plant-Based Treaty and why it's crucial in order to fight the climate crisis.

Mar 5, 20244 min read
Are Humans Really Omnivores?
The belief that humans are omnivores is very common among both carnists and vegans, but is it true?

Feb 27, 20242 min read
Why Sanctuaries Are Needed As Centres Of Vegan Education
When it comes to learning about veganism, no one can teach people more than a farm sanctuary.

Jan 26, 20243 min read
All Beings Are Sentient
Sanctuary residents are a perfect reminder to humans that other animals are just as sentient as them.
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