When I look at this picture, I see evil.
I see a mindless, moronic, stupid, leering, pathetic excuse for a human being that has wrought immense suffering and cruelty on a helpless creature that just wanted to stay alive.
I cannot begin to fathom why anyone thinks that they have the right to do this to an amazing being like this one.
I despair.
I am appalled.
I am angry.
I have used far worse words than any printed here to describe this heartless bastard.
I hope you are similarly moved and outraged.
I would like to stop people like this.
If I could end such actions, I would in a heartbeat.
Whilst it’s legal, there’s not much hope.
But at least I can make a noise about it, and you may rest assured that I am never complicit in anything like this.
I’m sure you can say the same.
Below are pictures of what is pretty much the same scene.
I would like to stop people like this.
If I could end such actions, I would in a heartbeat.
Whilst it’s legal, there’s not much hope.
But at least I can make a noise about it, and you may rest assured that I am never complicit in anything like this.
Can you say the same?